"Fully alive people do not see their lives as a perennial funeral procession with one day following uneventfully on the heels of another. Alive people see tomorrow as a new opportunity which they eagerly await. They are on the growing edge of life." (Father John Powell)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Practicing God's Presence

Not too long ago, author John Ortberg wrote a book entitled God Is Closer Than You Think. It was a book about how to recognize God in the everyday...in our ordinary existence. Early on in his book, Ortberg offers this definition of spiritual growth: "Spiritual growth...is simply increasing our capacity to experience the presence of God." This definition is so much different then how folks so often define spiritual growth today. We often define spiritual growth in an "event" type of way...in other words...the more "events" you show up to the more spiritual you are. So, if I attend all sorts of religious events and spiritual activities then I must be a spiritual person. The issue is we can become so busy in spiritual activities but yet have no inward change occuring. Our capacity to experience God's presence has not increased.

In his book, Ortberg offers some "foundational truths" to guide us in increasing our capacity to experience God...

1) God is always present and active in my life, whether or not I see God.
2) Coming to recognize and experience god's presence is learned behavior; I can cultivate it.
3) My task is to meet God in this moment.
4) I am always tempted to live "outside" this moment. When I do that, I lose my sense of God's presence.
5) Sometimes God seems far away for reasons I do not understand. Those moments, too, are opportunities to learn.
6) Whenever I fail, I can always start again right away.
7) No one knows the full extent to which a human being can experience God's presence.
8) My desire for God ebbs and flows, but God's desire for me is constant.
9) Every thought carries a "spiritual charge" that moves me a little closer to or a little farther from God.
10) Every aspect of my life - work, relationships, hobbies, errands - is of immense and genuine interest to God.
11) My path to experiencing God's presence will not look quite like anyone else's.
12) Straining and trying harder do not help.

Orberg recommends reviewing these truth's once a day for two weeks in order to cultivate the practice of God's presence. Whether you do that or not, I think it's important to realize that increasing my capacity to experience God's presence is something I can cultivate. It doesn't "just happen" - there can and needs to be some intention on my part.

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