"Fully alive people do not see their lives as a perennial funeral procession with one day following uneventfully on the heels of another. Alive people see tomorrow as a new opportunity which they eagerly await. They are on the growing edge of life." (Father John Powell)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Constantly Open to God

In his most recent book, Opening to God, author David Benner begins his introduction with these insightful and challenging words:

"Just imagine how different your life would be if moment by moment you were constantly open to God. Think of how much your experience of yourself, others and the world would change if you were continuously attuned to the loving presence of God and allowed the life of God to flow into and through you with each breath. Such a life would itself be prayer...prayer is not simply words that we offer when we speak to Got but an opening of our self to God."

I am thinking that this is what the Apostle Paul meant by praying unceasingly. It's not a matter of shutting my eyes and bowing my head. It's more a matter of this openness that David Benner describes. To be honest, I am truly drawn to this type of experience. But, I also realize that I go through my day rather mindlessly and "out of tune." In other words, not attuned to the loving presence of God. Our culture is also one in which we are easily distracted. Facebook, 24/7 news, constantly wired and checking emails and texts. All of this keeps us mentally occupied and distracted.

I realize that a growing edge in my life is to value the spiritual reality enough to be open to God's loving presence in the world. It's not that God isnt present. I'ts more that I'm not paying attention and maybe even looking in the wrong places. I can pay attention by:

  • Pausing throughout the day for brief periods and simply sitting in silence.
  • Reading prayers or Scripture and soaking in them
  • Taking a walk and enjoying the beauty of the day
  • Listening to my own feelings, emotions, responses to life in the moment

You might have your own list. Trust that God is wanting to communicate with you in this moment. Be open. I know I'm trying to be.

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